Saturday, February 14, 2009

Here Goes Nothing...

I finally started a blog. Now all I have to do is figure out what to put on it.

My first inclination is to fill it with stuff from my past: things like videos, pictures, old radio jingles... you know, stuff very few people would have any interest in.

And why not? It's my blog and I can do what I want. So, to get things started I think I'll post a couple of photos of me back in July 1974.

Oh yeah.
There's a Beatle in the photos too.

(Just so you know, I'm the one with the long hair and denim shirt holding a microphone with that big I-can't-believe-I'm-doing-this grin.)


  1. I was waiting for the refrain...I started a blog...and started the whole world...laughing? crying? So far, so good. PRose

  2. So many questions! Was this right before Paul jumped the Cumberland on a motorcycle? You look great in this pic- have you ever thought of going back to that hairstyle?

  3. Mike, welcome to the Blogosphere! I am in the Nashville area too, and have a blog where I post my humorous drawings. I wanted to tell you about an internet radio station I think you would enjoy. Like you, I listen to a lot of oldies too and have found If you go there and under "oldies" select "bubblegum" you get to listen to great oldies (including Beatles) with no commercials. Enjoy!

  4. Mike, long time listener, first time reader. (heh!)

    I have thought you should have a blog for the longest time!!! So as Doug said...Welcome to the Blogosphere!

    I'm looking forward to reading your stuff...I'm subscribing to ya right now!

  5. Hey Mike,

    I like the site. Just ot let you know some of the influence you had on me. After visiting you on Shadow Lane, I too built my own 5 watt radio station when I was ten or eleven. I even called PAMS and asked for a demo tape. To my astonishement, a couple of weeks later a reel showed up in the mail! Fortunately I had a reel to reel and could listen to it. It even had the jingle sung to the tune "K-L-I-F eleven ninety" only the words were "P-A-M-S PAMS of Dallas"

    The call letters of my station were immediately changed to WKBW (which I believe is out of Buffalo, NY) because that was the station that most of the jingles on the tape were made for. I used to record one or two hour long radio shows and broadcast them. The signal faded out about 25 yards from my bedroom but I'd go outside and astound my friends with professional jingles no less!

    It was great fun!

